Dave 1 (pictured; one-half of Chromeo) lends advice on meeting women:
Where is the best place to meet a woman?
Whole Foods. You know they’re probably health-conscious, environmentally friendly, and not broke if they can afford Whole Foods. They want their açaí berry and their papaya scrub, but they can also pay for dinner. And everyone is in a bad mood at Whole Foods. The lines are crazy, the food court’s a mess, the bathrooms are not always clean…. If you can actually get someone to talk to you there, that means you’ve got game. Finding a mutual thing to complain about is a great first step. Like, “Do you know where the papaya is? I don’t think there’s any left! What the hell!” Or “Can you believe it? I got the last flaxseeds! Isn’t flaxseed amazing? I love it. I know this amazing place. We should go next time.”
Now that you’ve nabbed her, how do you ace the first date?
Get your 19th-century dandy on. Impeccable manners. Sophistication without snobbery. There’s nothing wrong with being like that forever, but you also have to know when to switch it up. You set yourself up so that down the line, when you have to do a number two in her apartment, she’ll be like, “Phew! He’s human!” and welcome it with open arms.
Interview by Claire Lobenfeld
New Years Eve with Chromeo image by Douglas Neill for OC Weekly/Village Voice Media.